January 19, 2018 Part II

Hi everyone! Holly here again. *Yawn* So, the mommies left me in the barky place this morning and the nice lady in blue took me for a walk into the special rooms. She set me up with my own bed and next thing I know, PINCH! Ouch! She accidentally stuck me with a needle. I wasn’t upset, but was suddenly very sleepy. So I took a nice long nap. When I woke up I was still in the special rooms, and OMG… something’s missing! I don’t know what yet because I’m too tired to figure it out. But I did hear the nice Mr. Vet Man talking to my mommies. He’s very pleased with me, and I could just tell my mommies were too. I must be a really good napper! He said we were able to get “clean lines” and he thinks he took away all my boo boos. Which I think is very nice of him. I heard him tell the mommies about how tired I am tonight, but that they can come visit tomorrow. Yay, I get to see my mommies! Maybe they can bring me my breakfast, which I’m still looking for. *Sigh* Good night everyone, I need to get some more beauty sleep. Being this adorable takes a lot of work! Thank you all for sending your positive vibes and prayers. Bark out loud! Love you all. 

January 19, 2018

Hi everyone! Holly here. My mommies took me back to the barky place this morning. I don’t get why they like it so much, because as nice as it is, I don’t get to eat my breakfast before we go here. And while I really enjoyed Extra Special Cuddle Time (ESCT) with my mommies last night, ya know what? They didn’t even give me treats at bedtime! Man, the service around here is really declining.

Anyway, mommies are being extra nice to me today and told me everything is going to be fine. Not sure what they mean, because WHERE IS MY BREAKFAST?! They keep talking about my boo boo leg and something about amputation? I don’t know what that means, but they told me I get to see the nice doctor man soon. And I even heard I’m getting to go on my first sleepover ever! Don’t worry, Moms, I brought my shirt and some kibble for later. I’ll be just fine.

Anyway, thanks for listening and let me know if you see my breakfast anywhere. And tell mommies to relax. They’re stressing me out! Kthanks!

January 18, 2018

Hi Everypawdy! It’s me, Holly!

I wanted to let you all know that my mommies have been a bit rude about putting some of my treats on the ramp thing outside. They drop it on the ramp and expect me to climb up and down the ramp to get my treats. I don’t know what’s wrong with them but I’m not really the biggest fan of their new game with me. I guess I will just play along with them for now until they get bored of this game and find a new one to play with me.

My mommies have a whole bunch of new carpets down in the house and they told me that they ordered me a new bed and a harness. They sat with me and told me that I have to go to the hospital tomorrow to have surgery. I’m not really sure what they mean or what they are talking about, but I am hoping that I will come home from the “hospital place” that they spoke of soon.  When I get home I will come back on this page and let you all know how I am. I hope that you are all doing well.

January 16, 2018

Hi Everyone!

I don’t know what these crazy hoomans are trying to do, but wait until you hear this one! My Grandpaw made these awesome ramps yesterday. I saw him put them out front over part of the steps. I don’t know why they need these ramps but they sure are nice! Here’s the really strange part, are you ready? My mommies took me out front and tried to get me to walk on these ramps! Well, I don’t need a ramp, so I walked around the mommies and used the steps. They kept trying and trying to get me to walk on the ramp, but I really don’t want to. Do any of you have to use ramps? How did your pawparents teach you to walk on them?

January 15, 2018

Hi Everyone! It’s me, Holly! I’m not too sure what’s going on around here, but my mommies have been quite busy this past week. They told me that I am having another operation on Friday to get rid of this thing called “cancer.” I’m not too sure what that is, but it doesn’t sound too good. Grandpaw built these big ramps to put outside over the steps and the mommies ordered new rugs to cover the slippery hardwood floors. They also gave me a new shirt and started rooting around for others for me. I don’t know why I have to get so dressed up all of the time, but I guess they have a reason. Mommies explained to me that I have to have my front left leg amputated to get rid of this cancer stuff. I’m not too sure what all of that means, but if it gets rid of this cancer stuff I think that’s a good thing, right? I’ll keep you posted on how things go with my surgery. Can you tell me about your surgeries?